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Sunday Thoughts and Inspirations

September 9, 2012

Lots of new posts on the Authentic Life Blog

Here we are into fall time and I just love the cooler weather.  I’ve been spending some fun time this morning on my facebook and the facebook pages just getting click happy, sharing, liking and commenting.  Sometimes we just need to take breaks out of our writing lives to be inspired by others. 

We must always be searching for new inspirations, title ideas, writing prompts, and anything practically anywhere can spark a new post or article, or hey even a novel. 

Today, I’ve been seeing pumpkin pictures and apples which is getting me in the mood.  I picked a few apples from our apple trees but they really don’t look as good as the ones you buy at an apple orchard or in the stores.  But then again, I never did any special treatment to the trees to make them look better.

One of the ideas looked interesting.  You take a pumpkin that you’ve gutted out and leave some seeds in.  Then you put your soil in to grow a pumpkin.  Sounds like fun and I might try it and my kids can watch it grow.

I enjoy my FB pages.  I don’t go there all the time, but I do try to keep on top of them and spend a little time there.  I’m not there all day like some bloggers are.  I’m up to 26 likes on Authentic Life Blog fb page.  and the Etsy Shop jfaypaperdolls has probably 9 likes and my Jennifer Jo Fay Zazzle Store for Photography has probably 8 or 9.  It’s more of a fun thing at this point where I comment under my FB pages and just have good fun.

But back to the blogging.  I think from going to Facebook and a few other places today, I now have jotted down maybe about three titles and topics that I plan to write about later, either on the blog or with Triond.

At Triond, I am jfay1995

Triond’s pay isn’t great, but it’s increasing for me quicker than it was last winter when maybe I only got 20-30 views.  Now since I’ve been more active from August to now, I can’t believe the vast change in views.  Now daily it is anywhere from 300-400 views.  I try to publish at least 3-5 articles a day there, sometimes 11.  The more active you are the more views and earnings.  Some Triond writers are seeing even 1,000 views or more there. 

And then back to my blog.  I’ve been on a daily basis keeping up with blogging.  I think you just have to keep up a good writing schedule every day or else things just aren’t going to get done.  Sometimes it seems a little tricky jumping from place to place, but if you have all your ducks lined up in a row, it can be done.  Okay, mine are sheep jumping over the fence.  Ha ha.

Here’s my other thoughts.  I’ve been busy working on The Glorious Money Tree novel.  It might just be my best one yet.  Time will tell.  Recently, I received a nice compliment from a twitter follower who had retweeted a chapter from The Glorious Money Tree.  She said it has the same starts as 50 Shades of Grey only better.

What an awesome comment!  I loved it and of course ate it up.  But, also in the back of my mind, I am also not going to knock on wood.  Who is to say if it would happen or not?  We’re in a very hard industry this writing business of ours.  Things just never come easy for us.  We work hard, slave over our passions, and many times for the majority of us, we never get to see the light.  Which is the ones who get lucky and get the break they need to see their novels become very popular.

Don’t we all wish that perhaps we were the ones sitting in that chair on The Today Show?  Instead of someone else?  Or do these people just get lucky, whether they are a good writer or not?  I’ve heard mixed feelings on 50 Shades of Grey.  I am reading it.  Of course, I am only into the first chapter, so I’m not sure if I’m going to like it yet.  I’ve heard from some people like my FB friends that they loved it.  A few liked the second book better as it had some mystery to it.  And yet others think that she isn’t a good writer and just got lucky that the love story is a hit with people.  That’s what it sounds like to me is that it got famous for the racy naughty book that it is.  And many women can’t wait to sink their wild thinking teeth into it.  We love smut books.  But a smut book can be even better with good writing.

The Glorious Money Tree obviously won’t be having any sex in it.  There could be a bed scene or two between say a couple talking about a tragedy or another couple fighting, but there will be no sex.  I’m just thinking if a kid is reading it, the book has to be tame.  After all it is largely also a children’s fantasy with adult themes too:  cancer, tragedy and maybe some parents fighting a little bit.  And a community of adults and their beliefs on raising their children.

The part for children is this whole magically fantasy world where all the characters even the adults contribute to the story of all the fairies, goblins, mermaids, Mother Nature, elves, angels and everything else.  It all connects and could it be real? 

I finally decided a few nights ago, that I am going to turn this novel into a trilogy.  I’ve never written a trilogy before and I think this novel has the makings for it.  At first I thought that Book Two would go back in time to when Sally’s grandmother was little and when she was meeting with the fairies, etc…   And Book Three was going to be about Sally’s mother remembering when she was little too.  But then, the more I thought about it, Sally and all her friends need to be in every book as they are the main characters.  Of course the adults have big character parts too, but Sally just can’t disappear from the other novels.  It’s got to follow Sally through to the end. 

In each book they are all going to have to overcome plenty of conflicts and obstacles, change either for the worse or the better, and ultimately in the end all my characters in the book are going to have to decide whether or not to let the magic go and grow up, or to keep it with them and pass it on.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted September 9, 2012


I hope to have the first book finished by next year so I can publish my ebook with Kindle Publishing.  I’m excited that now I know you can do it for free there and plan to do that from now on instead of sinking all this money into Authorhouse like I did last year.


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